Monday, March 28, 2011


The moment French jets screamed overhead
and rained fiery death and destruction
Dies the dream of Free Libya
Fare thee well Gadaffi, thou shall not be missed
Its been too long,
Far too long

When elation fades in the hail of bullets
And  rocketry and barrages,
Reality kicks you in the gut.
Self-Liberation becomes Self-Preservation
and you say; the end justifies the means
But o what an end have you chosen
When you sold your pride and honour.

Was it asked amongst you,
Isn't it better live free for a day than to live yoked for a thousand years.
For Freedom bought with Western bombs and missiles is no Freedom at all,
Only to exchange one tyranny with another.

Goodbye Free Libya.
As brief and illusory as your existence may be,
You shall be missed.

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