Wednesday, October 12, 2016

I Ate the Sun. Now shitting comets and other fiery celestial bodies/thing/stuff. (or maybe its the coffee talking)

Lets go back to the day when i met the Masters (circa few days ago). The De Jure Master asked about my 'other' calling. I told him. Got burned twice now. Then he told me this (more or less); as is law so is the other calling. Lose enough cases and you will inevitably win some (unless. unless, you are truly a moronic piece of turd to not have learned anything from the previous losses). Heard and/or read many variations of it before. But, this, coming from a highly respected individual to me gave that shot in the arm i need.

I lost count how many fleshing out of ideas, paragraphs and such that i lost with my old S3. Not that i lost the phone. It was the device itself, the memory card (which i suspect to be faulty) which sent me countless signals of its intention to retire from active service. Ideas, lost. Probably forever. Had it not been for the Missus, i probably would have curled up into fetal position and wept. 

I am a forgetful person. Back when i was still using a dumb phone, i used to walk around with a small notebook in my back pocket. I jot down almost everything but mostly ideas. Ideas which later in the late evening, whenever i am free (which was almost all the time), magic hour. Just me and the keyboard. The feat which i am keen to repeat now, albeit in a new different set of circumstances (wife, boy and business). God, i miss those days.   

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