Saturday, May 8, 2010

To the Last Man

Its already the 8th and as we strike off those papers from our calendars the initial momentum that has been driving us through the first papers to the worse of them slowly wore off. Like a sprinter finally losing his adrenaline boost, the sight of a near empty library, a UiTM minus all the annoying noobs on the busses and on the sidewalks would give us the wtf moment. We're the ones still left behind. That would slow us down to certain extent, no more would we study like its the end of the world, its been like a month of continuous consumption and deficat-ion of facts and half remembered name of cases.
At least it feels that way for me.

But then, somehow in between my re-reading of Dr Irwin's article it hits me.

Tomorrow would be the last paper for my degree.

Yeap, another wtf moment. The bulls that once gored my insides when it was the night before my Asso 1 paper came again, goring my stomach with even more zeal than before. Sad, fear and happy is all i feel, the wheel had spun to this moment, the end of my walkabout, end of many things. Fear, fear of should the unnamed thing repeats itself again.

To this i pray to the One above, another shot in the arm is all i ask from you. Let this be the end, let nothing be trailing behind me like a masterless polong. I want to end this.

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