Monday, December 20, 2010

Good Evening KL.

Baru lepas menonton lagi satu filem tentang Easter Rising, IRA dan Perang Saudara Ireland. Sedih. Pilu. Dari bergasak dengan Empayar British kemudian bergocoh sama sendiri atas perbezaan pendapat. God strike me down if i ever point a gun at my own brothers and sisters.

On another note,
Apa bising-bising pasal mau buat Nuclear Reactor ni? Sapa si mangkuk yang cadangkan? Kau ingat buat reactor tu macam buat reban ayam? Sapa kata tak cukup resource untuk Biomass power, just tap into the Parliament. They seem to produce lot of shite more than usual these days.

Oh, by the bye. The Faculty said yes. So yes, I'M IN!!!! I'M GOING TO HELL!!!!!!

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