Friday, December 24, 2010

Tentang Orientasi, Kejujuran dan Kemaslahatan Umum

Just now, while FB-ing someone linked the video of the dude openly declaring himself a gay at Youtube. Now i wouldn't bat an eyelid (in fact i don't think anyone will) if its an American who's declaring his sexual orientation. The problem is its a Malay with a name that clearly denotes his Muslim faith.
The public reaction is as expected, outrage while at the fringes, the minorities hailed his bravery in furthering the cause of liberty and openness in the country. Now i am not in the state to write in full blown paragraphs, not tonight as so i shall frame my thoughts the best i could: in point form.

-The dude said that he's gay and he's okay with it. I'm not okay with it but that does not make me want to straight away want to stick a knife in his chest.

-It is wrong, the Good Book said so but that doesnt mean that i have to straightaway stick a knife in his chest or shun him.

- I've always believed that God has always wanted us to talk ourselves out of violence , to fix whatever that is wrong without having to resort to stick a knife into the person we disagree with. Islam after all is a religion of peace.

-We should talk it over with the dude or any persons with this LBGT mindset, try to see how the shoes are on the other foot before straight away calling for a genocide.

-It boils down to this; they are here, amongst us. The question now is what do we do about it?

- I really like this fella's take on the issue here. Instead of mobbing up with pitchforks and torches calling for blood why don't we sit down and think about it? What effect does the LBGT have on society as a whole and other questions we are dying to know the answers to. Be objective about it. While, you're at it, write an academic paper on it.

-Personally i do believe there's a strong reason why God Almighty placed the organs in this order: Brain, Heart, Peepee (for guys lah). It serves to show that you oughtta think with the head, not with the heart and never, with your peepee.

-Also, please don't try to justify it with the arguments such as " the animals do it too" It insults my coolness to be equated with penguins.

- I won't pretend that i know how they feel and what they are going through.I don't. Although I don't like them but that will not stop me from trying to understand them.

- I am straight, i do hope that all Men are but unfortunately there is a penumbra of uncertainty(damn i've always wanted to use that word!) there, whether God made it so or whether it is by choice is open for debate the question now is What do we do about it?

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